Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ron Paul is the Great Educator About Classical Liberalism.

Here we are, a nation and a world, dumbed down by government-controlled education. How likely is it that the sponsor of this education system will tell you that it is itself the major source of the problems? Hence we are in need of an educator that bypasses the censorship of the interventionists (both government and its media agents). Only now that we are witnessing the panic in the interventionists' camps are we able to see how remarkable is this feat. How aware have we been of the pervasiveness of the influence of the tainted 'education' propagated by the interventionists? At least three or four generations have lost their individual identity and have become serfs as predicted by 1974 Nobel Prize laureate Friedrich von Hayek in his best selling book Road to Serfdom.

Ron Paul is a scholar in classical liberalism. He has read extensively the works of Hayek and Ludwig von Mises and classical liberals from Aristotle up to the present. He is a published author of many scholarly works and has spoken for many years at many distinguished forums about the concepts and principles of classical liberalism. He is renowned for his awareness of the Constitution and the influence of classical liberalism thought on the founders of this nation.

Now, by the grace of God, Ron Paul has a national audience that has become a worldwide audience. People all across the nation and all over the world are learning about the principles of classical liberalism. These principles are liberty, private property, free market economics, sound money, peaceful international trade, voluntary contracts, and government that is strictly limited to protection of person and property from fraud or violence.

Ron Paul is a true classical liberal. There are no blemishes in his service to mankind. As a person, as a doctor, and as a stateman he has lived an exemplary life. Never has he compromised his principles for personal gain or for any political reason. Never has there been a statesman like him in our history. We have to look back to the likes of George Washington to find someone as principled and back to Thomas Jefferson to find someone as well informed about classical liberalism.

As you can see we are living in a unprecedented time. Ron Paul is humbly and effectively educating several generations of people all over the world about the power of freedom to bring about unity in diversity. There is not a trace of belligerence in freedom; which means that the hostilities around the world will quickly dissipate if the divisiveness of the ego-driven interventionists is thrown into the dustbin of outworn and oppressive ideologies.

Please do what you can to advance the ethics of liberty and the ethics of true education by investigating the message of Ron Paul. You will appreciate him as one of the greatest teachers that you have encountered during your life. Great teachers, as you know, are among the most important people in the world and they deserve all the praise and honor that we can afford them.

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